District 6970 clubs have accumulated excellent video presentations from top professionals in the healthcare field. Please click and view any link. You may share via Zoom and other conference services as you wish.
Having problems with Zoom? Port Orange-South Daytona member Hewitt Dupont is here to help. Email hjdupont@cfl.rr.com or text (386) 295-9402.
- Organized by PDG Mike Darragh, Florida state epidemiologist for the department of health, Dr. Blackmore, discusses updates and future considerations for Covid-19. Run time: ~29 mins. Speakers; Mike Darragh inroduction then Dr. Blackmore – Brief & Brainstorm 06-29-2020 Covid Dr. Blackmore + 2 Virtual Fundraisers
- Presented by the Rotary Club of Jacksonville, April 1, 2020. Run time: ~26 mins.
First speaker, Kevin Hyde, topic: “The new Federal Corunavirus Relief Act–what it means to us.”
Second speaker, John Chappelear, topic: “Corporate culture and wellness–how to be productive in trying times.” - Presented by the Orange Park Sunrise Rotary Club, April 2, 2020. Run time: ~57 mins.
Speaker, Dr. David Price of Cornell Hospital in New York, “Protecting Your Family.” He is on the front lines, treating only COVID-19 patients and responsible for deciding who is put on a ventilator and deciding when they come off the ventilators. - Presented by the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville, April 2, 2020. Run time: ~48 mins.
Speaker, Pablo M Pella, M.D., Internal Medicine/Infectious Disease Specialist in Jacksonville, Florida, a specialist in infectious diseases. - Presented by the Rotary Club of Jacksonville, April 7, 2020. Run time: ~30 mins.
“Dr. Albert Loh, Economics Chair at UNF, addressed how long will it take to get our economy going again.Rotarian Sean Mulholland spoke about cybersecurity and gave us some simple steps if working from home, and how to stay cyber safe.” Play the Zoom at Noon video. - Presented by the Rotary Club of Jacksonville, April 20, 2020. Run time: ~35 mins.
Lawrence Kurzius, Chairman, President and CEO of McCormick & Company, describes the company’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic — including their facilities in China. Play the Zoom at Noon Video - Presented by the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville, July 28, 2020. Run time: ~60 mins.
Drs. Maddern and Robie update the situation with Covid Click here to Play the Video