If you were at the Vibrant Club Seminar, you heard from PDG Marshall Butler just how important our Public Image is to the success of your Rotary Club and our Rotary brand. The Zone 34 Public Image team has great resources available, including a webinar tonight—August 29—on Content. In order to stay on track with Public Image, the Zone 34 team has established mile markers. If you have questions, please contact Public Image Chair Amy Workowski.
Assistant Governor Preston Mangus proved that you can combine raising money with Public Image as he advertised for the Rotary Clubs of Green Cove Springs and Fleming Island’s Swine and Dine at the Rotary Club of Orange Park Sunrise. He also proved that the cause is more important than anything else!
Membership continues to be going well, as it seems that almost every time I visit a club I get to meet someone who has just joined Rotary or is getting installed that day. What are you doing to follow-up with the member that has been absent for a few weeks? Sometimes, all it takes is a friendly phone call or invitation to a service or social activity to remind them that they are missed and you want them back.
Membership is more than just collecting new applications, so if you have ideas for a new club or satellite, contact Innovative Club Advocate Mary Stutts.
The district is now in full swing with service, fundraising and fellowship events galore. If you would like me to share or attend your events, please reach out and I will get them on my calendar and I am happy to share with other clubs as appropriate.
Please send me content for the newsletter as well as giving me names of those that you would like to add to the newsletter.
Pictures of the Week
The seven days and seven clubs as District Governor Jeff visits Rotarians across the District 6970 landscape.
Rotary Club of Daytona with President Mike Leonard and Public Image Chair Amy Workowski. President Mike introduced me by looking me up on RateMyProfessor.com. Thanks President Mike for sharing only the good comments!
The Rotary Club of Gainesville with President Greg Young, Assistant Governor Dorothy Zimmerman, and Funds & Procedures Committee member David Gracy. Although the Cade Museum resulted from the invention of Gatorade, Cade’s programs help to build bridges to the innovation economy for those without access, low-income families, underserved communities, and those needing assistance to access education and start on the career paths available to them to fulfill their dreams. What a great community partnership for Rotary.
A Visit to the Rotary Club of Downtown Deland with District Secretary Karen Weiss, President Aaron Preston and Assistant Governor Brittany Gloersen. I have never seen a president enter a meeting with 10 open spots for service and leave the meeting having them all filled. Downtown Deland and President Aaron Rock.
A visit to the Rotary Club of Fleming Island and another quick PSA for the Swine and Dine with Assistant Governor Randy Robb, President Bill Larson, District Governor-Elect John Tabor and Assistant Governor Preston Mangus.
A visit to the Rotary Club of West Jacksonville with Assistant Governor Gerry Kelley, President Shawn Asmuth Corrigan and Assistant Governor Ike Sherlock. As a special treat we celebrated Past President Mike Corrigan Sr.’s 50 years of Rotary service as he continues to support the club and Shawn’s presidency in particular.
At the Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra Beach, President Doc Renuart and Past President Billy Wagner installed two new members. Rotary is alive and well in Ponte Vedra Beach.
At the Rotary Club of Orange Park Sunrise, President Chris McNees presented over $60,000 to the community, including over $30,000 to the Hope Lodge as a respite for families supporting cancer treatment.