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Minutarian Week 21.5: November 25, 2021

Rotary Minutarian Week 21 & ½ : November 25th, 2021, Special Thanksgiving Edition

[Gobble Gobble]

On this day of giving thanks, this District Governor has so many things to be thankful for. We, as Rotarians have the opportunity to serve our communities and the world, unrestricted as we please. That in, and of itself is speaks volumes to the freedom and resource we are so luck to have. There are too, too, many things to list that I personally am thankful for but on this day, I’d like to share just a few.

1. Thankful to live in Northeast Florida, the best part of the best state, in the best country on the only planet we’ve got. This is a beautiful place the live and every day I am thankful to be here.

2. Thankful to be part of a group community leaders around the world, that work every day to do good and serve others. Being a Rotarian has changed my life and I am so very thankful to be able to wear the badge of a Rotarian.

3. Thankful to be part of our District here in 6970. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many Rotarians from around the US and even around the world. We truly have a special thing here in our district. There is harmony, consistency and most important, unity amongst the district leadership. We are one of the few districts that work together as an effective team to serve our clubs and members. Other district do try, we just do it better, it has become part of our culture.

4. I’m thankful for the 67 Rotary Clubs, 3 Satellite Clubs, 17 Rotaract Clubs and many Interact Clubs in our district. I’m amazed every day by the incredible work you do and things our are able to accomplish. I’m so thankful to have to opportunity to serve you this year.

5. I have to give Thanks to my 12 Area Governors and the 24 AG 1 & 2’s. You are the backbone of this district and there is no way we could possibly run this district without you.

6. I am thankful for the nearly 3,200 Rotary members in our District that make it happen day in and day out. You are the where the good work meets the need in our communities and around the world.

7. I’m thankful for the amazing Foundation, Membership and Public Image teams we have within our fine district. Great teams, working together to make sure we excel in every way measured against our peer districts. We continually shine and for that I am proud… And, Thankful.

8. I’m Thankful to work for a company that supports and encourages my work in Rotary and for our District. Thank you, Foundation Risk Partners on behalf of all of us FRP/Rotarians in the District.

9. Thankful for my family and their understanding that like so many of you, Rotary is my passion. And, though it often takes away my time and energy from the family, it gives back so much more in return. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to be me.

10. Lastly, I am thankful to two special ladies in the district. The first is our Patti Chapman, official title is District Executive Director, but in all practice and purpose, she is our District Rock, she is truly what hold this district together year after year. Second is my very capable Lt. Governor, Carolyn Mudgette. She keeps me on track and focused and most importantly, that my newsletter gets out in time. I am so thankful for you both.

It truly takes a Rotary Village to do the great work we do as Rotarians. Please enjoy these next few days with friends and family and let us all be thankful for the opportunities of service that lay ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

[Gobble, Gobble] Which turkeys meet our Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines? Not these. Image at the top of the newsletter, yep! Learn more at