Alright Rotarians, here we go into the final stretch of the year and what a great year it has been, full of both challenges and opportunities to serve.
Save the Date! Save the Date!
Alas, we have a date set for the District Training Assembly and District Conference to be held. Everyone, please mark your calendars. We will once again be together for fun, education and celebration. Please mark your calendars for Friday, April 29th and Saturday, April 30th of 2022.
And an update from our Disaster Relief Committee Chair Pat Mulvihill.

From the Desk of: Padraic E. “Pat” Mulvihill, Co-Chair 2021/2022 District 6970 Emergency & Disaster Relief Committee
Text: 904.534.0035 Email: [email protected] www.
Quad-4 December 2021 Tornado Adversely Affecting The Family of Rotary Western & Central Kentucky Rotary District 6710
D6970 York Foundation (501c-3) / December 2021
Kentucky Tornado Disaster Relief & Recovery
In the darkness on Saturday the 11th December 2021, a “monster” group of tornadoes travelled well over 200 miles across Western and Central Kentucky, adversely impacting several counties whereby the infrastructure & homes of the Family of Rotary were significantly destroyed or disrupted.
Our district is in electronic contact with Rotarian leadership in parts of Kentucky District 6710 and we have been advised that the needs assessments will be completed in the near future.
Needs So Far
Due to the level of massive devastation and the geographical distance, if some of our D6970 Rotarians have unique construction or disaster-relief equipment that could be readily sent, such equipment could possibly be staged at either of: (a) Mayfield-Graves County Fairgrounds at 1004 KY Route 121 Mayfield, KY 42066; or, at (b) ACE Compressor, 245 Kentex Drive, Mayfield KY 42066.
At this early stage, our D6970 Emergency & Disaster Relief Committee has determined that our Family of Rotary throughout Western & Central Kentucky will be performing both their short & long-term recovery assessments during the very near future.
To assist them financially, our District has set up a donation program.
By Check
Payable to: The York Foundation, Inc.
Send to: Rotary District 6970 York Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 47195, Jacksonville, FL 32247
Note that payee instructions state: District 6970 entucky Tornado December 2021 Disaster Recovery Fund; and, Name of Donor / Rotary-Rotaract Club.
Please indicate the name and address for a receipt to be sent with the name of the family of Rotary organization and email and phone.
Thank You For Your Most Generous Support!
Rotary District 6970, York Foundation, Inc. Registration # Ch27562 is registered with the state under The Solicitation of Contributions Act, 1991.
A Copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from The Division of Consumer Services.
By calling toll-free 800-435-7253 within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.
Rotary District 6970, York Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation under 501(c)(3), EIN 59-2319085 No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.
Upcoming Rotary Events
Rotary Means Business
January 26, 2022 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
The Link in Ponte Vedra, 425 Town Plaza Ave, Ponte Vedra Beach
Register online at
The Rotary Club of Flagler County will be presenting the 16th annual Fantasy Lights Festival and would love your help. The event will run through December 30th. To sign up, go to
Jacksonville Oceanside Rotary presents the 2nd Annual – Cornhole for a Cause
ABBQ Meat & Drink
February 12, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
Register your team at
Pic of the Week
It was an all-star class this past week. Rotarian leaders from around the district successfully completed Rotary Leadership Institute’s Facilitator course. Congratulations guys, can’t wait to see you at the next RLI!
Service Above Self,