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Jags Suite Raffle for Polio

August 10 ~ Jags vs Chiefs

Together, WE CAN END POLIO!  Be a part of history, won't you?

This year, as just one of our End Polio events, District 6970 is highlighting our partnership with the Jacksonville Jaguars.  Since this partnership began it has resulted in over $1,305,593 going to PolioPlus through The Rotary Foundation with the Gates Match.

This year the Jaguars are donating one Luxury Suite to the August 10th game, Jaguars  vs Chiefs.  The net proceeds from this raffle will go to The Rotary Foundation at the end of the season along with all our net ticket sale proceeds, to get us that much closer to eradicating polio!

The winner of the raffle will receive 20 Suite Tickets and 3 Parking Passes.  The raffle will end at midnight on Wednesday, July 31st and the winner's name will be announced on Thursday, August 1st.

Help us End Polio forever!  For more information and to get your chance to win the luxury suite to the Jags vs Chiefs game fill the form or click the link: Jaguars Suite Raffle Tickets 2024

Show this QR Code to your non-Rotary friends so they can buy raffle tickets too!