UPDATE: May 20, 2019. I had the honor of representing you, at the recently concluded Council on Legislation. Held every three years, the Council addresses, debates and votes on Enactments that move Rotary forward in our ever changing world and this organization we hold dear. Early in this Rotary year, we posted all of the proposed legislation on our district website and encouraged you to contact me if you felt strongly about any of the enactments and voicing how you would like to see me vote. The list below, is the actual vote totals for each of the enactments. These are preliminary totals, as Rotary will examine those that passed, combine any that may say essentially the same thing or in some instances contradict one another, and by July 1st post the final list. Regardless, the final list will probably not look too much different from this one. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Art MacQueen | [email protected]
Council on Legislation Vote Totals (PDF)
UPDATE: May 28, 2019. This is the ‘Report of Action‘ following the recently completed Council on Legislation. It contains only those Enactments that were adopted. Defeated enactments are not listed here. Some of them you will find interesting, especially you Rotary information junkies! At the end of the report, you will find an ‘Opposition to Legislation’ form. Any club in our organization may oppose something that has been adopted. Keep in mind, we have over 35,000 clubs in RI, so it would take a huge number of clubs finding something objectionable, to make a difference. That, however, does not mean if you feel strongly about something, you shouldn’t let your voice be heard!