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Youth Exchange Host Club Agreement

Youth Exchange Host Club Agreement

Clubs – we need your support and commitment!  Rotary Youth Exchange’s mission is to bring the world together one student at a time. We do so by sponsoring and hosting youth exchange students. The cost pales in comparison to the rewards and the commitment is...
Rotarian Journey into Cambodia

Rotarian Journey into Cambodia

Rotarians from D-6970 will be leading Rotarians from various clubs around the world on a journey into the heart of Cambodia. Three Upcoming Trips: – 2023: Sat. Nov 11th to Mon. Nov 20th – 2024: Sat. Jan 27th to Mon. Feb 5th – 2024: Sat. Feb 17th to...
Sudan Support

Sudan Support

As you are aware, Sudan is experiencing a civil war of significant magnitude. Jacob Atem, from the Rotary Club of Gainesville was a keynote speaker at the District Conference and will helped us to better understand this conflict from his long-term perspective, having...
Ukraine Family of Rotary Relief Funds

Ukraine Family of Rotary Relief Funds

To assist our Ukraine Family of Rotary, District 6970 has set up a Donation Program so that critical funds can be safely distributed to the appropriate Rotary Districts in Poland. BY CHECK or PAYPAL Payable to: The York Foundation, Inc. Send to: ROTARY DISTRICT 6970...
Turkey Relief Funds

Turkey Relief Funds

As our heart goes out to all the Citizens of Turkey, District 6970 has stepped up as we always do, to raise funds for those impacted by this horrible earthquake. We will be sending contributions directly to the Disaster Relief Fund in District 2430. BY CHECK or PAYPAL...