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Assistant Governors Foundation Committee Members

Primary focus is on Foundation giving
• Read the Club Rotary Foundation Committee Manual (available on
• Be able to demonstrate My Rotary and Rotary Central to the Club Foundation Chairs. Be familiar with the Learning and Reference section of Be able to send Club Foundation Chairs (or the President if there is no Foundation Chair) resources and respond to questions when asked.
• Subscribe to the Rotary Leader, Rotary Training Talk, and Weekly Update Newsletters (log in to My Rotary, Member News tab, Newsletters) so that you are well informed. The Area Governor will forward information to Presidents as warranted.
• Attend the Grant Management Seminar at District Training Assembly and 3 Keys 2 Success Summit.
• Subscribe to the End Polio Now and Rotary Giving and Grants newsletters. Forward relevant information to Club Foundation Chairs (or the President if there is no Foundation Chair) without overloading them.
• Serve on the District Foundation Committee and report to the District Foundation Chair.
• Advise the Presidents and Club Foundation Chairs that you are there to help them and determine if they want your help. If they do not want your help, just make your quarterly club visit as coordinated by the Asst Governor.
• Keep the DG and District Foundation Chair updated on clubs.
• When the DGE asks for help in emailing club presidents information or requesting that clubs complete a request, do so promptly. For some Presidents, phone calls may be necessary.
• Request to have the District Foundation Chair as a program and attend that meeting.
• Develop a relationship with the Foundation Chair of each club.
• Offer to each club to induct new Paul Harris Fellows.
• Be able to interpret Foundation reports and educate Foundation Chairs in each club on those reports.  Show opportunities they have for making new Paul Harris Fellows. Encourage them to solicit new Society, Bequest, and Benefactor members.
• Encourage clubs to submit Foundation monies mid-year and in May so that their clubs and the District show goals have been achieved before year end.
• Encourage clubs to have members enroll in Rotary Direct so Foundation money goes directly to RI thereby saving secretaries and treasurers work.
• Assist clubs in developing projects and grant applications.
• Encourage clubs to partner in projects and grant applications.
• Follow up on the grant reporting status of clubs.
• As incoming Asst Governor, help Presidents- elect in establishing goals in each area prior to PETS. This again requires familiarity with Rotary Central. Attend pre-PETS and PETS.
• Prior to PETS, begin mentoring Year 1 AG for Year 2 role.

Scott Burgess
Bartram Trail-Julington Creek
District 6970
Hewitt J. Dupont
Port Orange-South Daytona
District 6970
Charlie Flynn
Jacksonville Beach Rotaract
District 6970
Daniel Hilbert
St. Augustine
District 6970
Susan Hill
Orange Park Sunrise
District 6970
Gerald P. Kelley Jr.
District 6970
Scott Kornegay
Keystone Heights
District 6970
Brandon Perry
Downtown Ormond Beach
District 6970
Stanley W. Plappert
Metropolitan Ocala
District 6970
Diane Marie Robar
Downtown Gainesville
District 6970
Theresa M. Shuster
Amelia Island Sunrise
District 6970